If only……BLISS

I’m pretty sure he’s planning his escape.

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I’ll take what I can get BLISS

I walked into the living room and found her perched on a trunk, looking out the window. I quietly left and got my camera and took the first picture before she knew what was happening. She told me to stop. I begged for a few more. She agreed and proceeded to make silly faces, cross her eyes and pout. I’ll take it.

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He loves shoes. It’s one of his only words. He brings me different pairs throughout the day and if I don’t put them on him, he gets mad, sits on the floor and tries to do it himself. He isn’t close to being able to do it, but I love that he tries.

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Fifty Degree BLISS

Ever wonder what native New Englanders do when it’s 50 degrees in March? Now you know.

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Maple Syrup BLISS

Today I chaperoned Sam’s class on their field trip to the Ipswich Wildlife Sanctuary and learned all about maple trees, maple sap and maple syrup.  It was pouring rain and not very warm, but still a lot of fun.  I had my camera in a ziploc bag and took a few shots outside but can’t share them because I don’t have permission from the parents of the children in them.  This one was taken inside the shed where they boil the sap down and turn it into syrup.  It was so warm and steamy that I couldn’t actually see through my viewfinder and had to manually focus.

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