Category Archives: Ordinary Bliss

Daredevil BLISS

I resisted the urge to convert this to black and white to try to hide the mess in our family room but decided that the mess is part of the story.  Josh will be 16 months old this week.  He stood up and walked a few days before turning 10 months old and hasn’t sat...

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Pig Pile BLISS

I love watching them play this way.  I have so many memories of wrestling with my dad on the living room floor and it makes me happy to know that someday, while they’re rolling around on the floor with their kids, they’ll think back to this night and smile. buy Cialis Jelly online

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One of those days BLISS

I’m giggling as I post this because I can’t help but wonder how many times I’ll post a picture of one of my kids sleeping this year.  Today was just one of those days.  It started this morning when I turned the faucet on to rinse out a glass and stuck my cell phone under...

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Stuck in a stool BLISS

I’m going to let you all in on a secret.  I’m a terrible mom.  When my kids get into trouble, instead of helping them, I laugh and take pictures.  I think it builds character (and gives me the best pictures in the world to make slideshows to share with their very best friends at their...

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Snow day BLISS

I’m sure by Saturday I’ll be wishing it were gone, but for now, we’re having a lot of fun.  Snow day Bliss. buy Cialis Jelly online

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