Tag Archives: 52 week project

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He turned four months old yesterday. As much as I’m dying for a good nights sleep, I’d do anything to slow time down. My last baby is getting big too fast. buy Cystone online This was a quick snap that I took before MOPS yesterday morning. He looked so cute in his sweater pant outfit...

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Those of you who know my daughter, know this face well. It’s SO her. This was taken during breakfast this week. buy Cystone online She was sitting ON TOP of the table eating her cereal and when I pulled out my camera she got very annoyed. Just for laughs, she just came in, told me,...

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I made three New Years resolutions this year. Run three times a week, be more intentional about spending time with friends and shoot for ME more. As long as I run twice tomorrow and again on Saturday, I’m doing great! Here’s the first picture in my 2010 collection; J’s feet. He’s already three months old...

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