Cousin BLISS

As the oldest of twenty-six grandchildren, I grew up surrounded by cousins and family.  It was awesome and I often feel sad that my kids aren’t having that same experience.  We’re blessed with lots of good friends, but we don’t have much family close by.  No cousins at all.  Until today.  Brad’s nephew Seth is in the Coast Guard and has been stationed in Gloucester for the next two years.  He and his wife and their beautiful little girl moved in around the corner from us today.  I’d never met Seth until last night, but it’s been like hanging out with an old friend.  Josh, who usually likes nobody but me, warmed right up to him and spent a good part of the evening on his lap and was completely enamored by Seth’s little girl and fed her puffs all night long.  Although Seth is only a few (My husband is going to laugh at my use of the word few.

 Seven or eight is a few, right?) years younger than I am and  probably won’t be riding bikes and playing freeze tag for hours on end with my kids, I’m so happy to have them close by and looking forward to spending lots of time together.

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