Kelly called me a few weeks after she found out that she was pregnant and scheduled a session because they wanted to tell their family at Easter that they were expecting with pictures. She obviously wasn’t showing at all and it was so much fun to see them again tonight, about ten weeks before their baby girl gets here. They had a bag full of Burberry, Wendy Bellissimo and Baby Gap clothes and a ball of twine to string through the trees for a clothesline and Kelly made the most beautiful sash, adorned with her grandmothers vintage earings (she’s wearing it in the first picture but I can’t wait to share more). Their excitement was contagious and I can hardly wait to meet their baby girl in October! Thanks for a fun night, Kelly and Craig. You guys are the best!
NinaLove these, Sarah. Beautiful light on the last one.
Sarah Phillips Photography | Capri | Boston Newborn Photographer[…] this lovely couple? Well there sweet baby girl was born last […]