Colton’s Two! | Marblehead MA Photographer

I’ve been photographing Colton twice a year since he was born, which means that this two year old has had five session with me! His mom and I have become good friends and I love going to their house and seeing my images EVERYWHERE. At two, Colton is talking up a storm and he has some fantastic dance moves. He knows how to work an iPhone better than I do and he can eat a bag of goldfish like it’s nobody’s business. He has a contagious giggle and is absolutely in love with his mom. I loved hanging out with him and am already looking forward to his Christmas Card session in October!

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My Family | Charlestown RI Family Photographer

My grandparents celebrated their 60th anniversary by spending a weekend with their seven children, their children’s spouses and me at their cottage in Rhode Island. Unfortunately, the cottage that used to be big enough for us all, can no longer hold the twenty-one grandchildren, four spouses and nine great grandchildren that also make up our amazing family. I’m pretty sure (in fact I’m positive) that I was only invited because they wanted my camera there. We hung out on the beach sipping cocktails, eating shrimp and spring rolls and reminiscing. As the sun began to set, my nanny asked if I could take a silhouette of everyone. I hiked up my dress and headed into the water to capture this image. When I look at it, I can hear the laughter and feel the cold water on my legs and I’m reminded that not only do I have the best job in the world, I have the best family too.

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Paul | North Shore MA Senior Photographer

I’ve known Paul forever because he’s my cousin. He was born during my sophomore year of college and in my mind, he’s still a cute four year old, greeting me in the driveway with a big smile and a “Hello, Sarah! How are things going in Boston?” As you can see, he’s all grown up but I’m happy to tell you that he’s still one of the nicest kids (okay, young men….) I know. Congratulations, Paul! I can’t wait to see what you’re doing when you’re my age.

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Happy | Beverly MA Family Photographer

It was touch and go with the weather yesterday.  After going back and forth all day, we decided to go for it and although it was sprinkling when we got there, the sky cleared and we had some of the prettiest light that I’ve seen in a while.  Thanks for a fun night, Jennifer!  N and the Bean were delightful and I can’t wait to show you the rest!  xoxo

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