Jackson’s six months old | Boston Baby Photographer

It’s hard to believe that this little man is already six months old.

I feel like I was just meeting his mom and dad for the first time and waiting for the call that he had arrived so that we could do his newborn pictures. He’s the happiest and most animated little guy and I can’t wait to see him again at nine months!

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It could be worse BLISS

We have water stains on our living and dining room ceilings from ice dams. They look awful but I guess the bright side is, they have dried out and it looks like we’ll be able to repaint the ceilings and not replace se

ctions of them.
I see Barney Rubble. What do you see?

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Exhausted BLISS

Me not him. All day, every day he’s into everything. I thought the third child was supposed to be mellow, in fact I thought it was almost guaranteed. Apparently, someone forgot to give Josh the memo because mellow is a concept that I’m pretty sure, he’s never going to get.

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