Then & Now | Boston newborn and baby photographer

Remember Jackson?  Well he’s six months old now and absolutely couldn’t be any cuter!

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She drives me crazy and makes my heart sing all in a matter of seconds. She has more personality and spunk than a lot of adults I know.

I love her to pieces.

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I love my job BLISS

I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. In college, I picked social work as a major because it didn’t require a lot of math or science classes and because it was comforting to me to know that when I graduated, I would be qualified to actually do something. At one point, I toyed with the idea of going to law school but ultimately went on to get a masters degree in social work because it seemed like the logical next step on the career path I was on.

I never enjoyed being a social worker though. I feel things too much and as much as I love people and wanted to make a difference, I was never able to leave my job at work and the thought of doing what I was doing for the next 40 years was incredibly depressing to me. I could go on and on with boring details about how I got to where I am, but I’ll spare you and just say, that I feel incredibly blessed to be doing what I do today.

I love my job BLISS. I never, ever thought I’d be able to say that.

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People have legs BLISS

Unfortunately, Sam seems to have inherited my “not very good at drawing” gene.  Even so, I was pleasantly surprised to pull this masterpiece out of his backpack today.  Typically, his people are big, wide stumps.  Fortunately, they are evolving and now and have legs.

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Best Friend BLISS

Seriously.  Whose kid is she?

They were being quiet.  Too quiet.  So I peeked in and found them in bed, under the covers with a pile of princesses, Littlest Pet Shop and various other odds and ends.  Grace asked me to take their picture and I ran for the camera.  When I got back, this is what she did, for every single shot.

 I love her to pieces but I’d be lying if I claimed that the fact that I seem to be raising a clone of myself doesn’t scare me a little.

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