Family BLISS

It was so hard to pick just one image for today!  We hung out with my family at my brother’ s hou

se in western Massachusetts.   He and his family live in the middle of the woods and with fresh snow covering everything, it was beautiful.  Despite the fact that it was barely 20 degree, we spent quite a bit of time sledding and playing in the snow and I got some really fun shots.  Instead of one of those, I decided to use this picture of my parents with all of their grandkids because it represents what the day was all about.  Family.  It was such a treat to see everyone and I loved watching all of the cousins play together.  I wish we all lived closer and got to do it more often.

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Snowflake Bliss

Grace came with me to pick up pizza tonight.  When we got home, it was snowing pretty hard and she didn’t want to come in.  I let her stay out on the deck for a few minutes and when I looked out the window to check on her, I saw her doing this.

 Sometimes I wish I could be four again.

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Toothbrush BLISS

Josh loves tothbrushes.  He does a little happy dance when he sees one and says, “that, that, that” over and over and over……..  Today, he managed to get his hands on

his brothers and I found him in the bathroom like this.  I know it’s out of focus and I really wish you could see him up on his tip toes (my 50mm was on my camera and I was backed up against the wall to get this), but I still think it’s ridiculously cute.

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Facial Bliss

Today I enjoyed some much needed pampering and alone time at Millenium Day Spa in Beverly.  In addition to a wonderful facial and a microdermabrasion treatment, I also cut my hair very short.

 I had planned to post a picture of the pile of hair, but when I uploaded it it wasn’t as cool looking as I’d hoped.  In fact, it kind of grossed me out (and it was my hair).  I was glad that I had snapped a quick pic of the facial products while the aesthetician was out of the room.

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Just hanging out BLISS

My boys eating Oreos and watching Curious George.

 I know it’s only January 5th but I’m pretty sure I’ve got Mother of the Year in the bag.

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