Category Archives: Families

Oh Brothers! | Beverly MA Children’s Photographer

Today was another glorious fall day. I met up with the the F boys for a quick session at Lynch Park. Our goal? The 2009 Christmas card picture! Jenn, I know you were nervous, but you are not going to believe how many cute shots I got of your boys. I can’t wait to show...

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Fall | North Shore Children and Family Photographer

Last weekend I got to spend some time at Long Hill in Beverly with the L family. buy Cystone online It was my first session since Josh was born six weeks ago and I have to say, it felt great to be back shooting!

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End of summer | Manchester-by-the Sea Family Photographer

I got to spend the evening at Singing Beach in Manchester by the Sea with the K family this week. Despite the fact that summer is officially over, nothing could stop these guys from getting in the water and having a great time. I have to admit, if I wasn’t about to have a baby,...

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Four days old | Beverly Newborn Photographer

A little less than two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting N and G and doing their maternity photos. Today, I got to meet their beautiful son, L. He was born early Saturday morning and is just absolutely amazing. buy Cystone online He was so alert and in love with his mom and...

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Siblings | Danvers Children’s Photographer

There may be ten years separating “C” and “E” but the way they love each other and the amount of fun they have together proves that age really doesn’t matter. A few of “E”. And lovely Miss “C” And then, a few just for fun! buy Cystone online I had fun tonight guys!

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