Tag Archives: 365 Project

Wishing for spring BLISS

I’m pretty sure he’s thinking, “I can’t wait for it to be warm and sunny and all this hard, icy white stuff to go away to I can go outside and play.”

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Starting Young BLISS

There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll be able to use the track point on Brad’s laptop better than my mom by the time he’s two.

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Grace.  My only daughter.  My middle child.  My drama queen.  My princess.  My willful child.   My helper.  My clown.  My love.   She and I went on a date today. We walked around the mall, got a Valentine’s Day bride bear on clearance for .99, looked at puppies, shared a smoothie and then went and...

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I love my job BLISS

I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. In college, I picked social work as a major because it didn’t require a lot of math or science classes and because it was comforting to me to know that when I graduated, I would be qualified to actually do something. At one...

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People have legs BLISS

Unfortunately, Sam seems to have inherited my “not very good at drawing” gene.  Even so, I was pleasantly surprised to pull this masterpiece out of his backpack today.  Typically, his people are big, wide stumps.  Fortunately, they are evolving and now and have legs. buy Cialis Jelly online

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