Tag Archives: Boston Family Photographer

Me & Him | North Shore MA Photographer

Tonight I did a session with my own family and got a rare picture of me with this guy. Seventeen years, three kids and lots of ups and downs…I still think he’s hot and I’m thankful that he’s mine.

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Five | North Shore MA Photographer

Usually when kids bring something special to a session it’s small and cuddly….This little man brought his new bike and we took 70% of his pictures on it. I love how they came out.

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Motif No. 1 but cute | Rockport MA Photographer

We were walking to the car and she was so done….but then we looked down someone’s driveway and so beautiful pink clouds over Motif #1 in Rockport and we begged her for one more. She gave us this and I almost took her home. Love.

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Hanging on to summer | North Shore MA Family Photographer

The beach in September on a week night is one of my favorite places. The light is beautiful and we were five of maybe 15 people on the beach. It doesn’t get better than that. Thank you L family for a wonderful evening. I’m so happy that we were finally able to make this happen.

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