Fascination BLISS

My friend Clancey came over today with kids.

To keep the noise down while Josh napped, we let the kids watch tv. It worked. There wasn’t a peep.

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Wishing for spring BLISS

I’m pretty sure he’s thinking, “I can’t wait for it to be warm and sunny and all this hard, icy white stuff to go away to I can go outside and play.”

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Starting Young BLISS

There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll be able to use the track point on Brad’s laptop better than my mom by the time he’s two.

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Grace.  My only daughter.  My middle child.  My drama queen.  My princess.  My willful child.   My helper.  My clown.  My love.   She and I went on a date today. We walked around the mall, got a Valentine’s Day bride bear on clearance for .99, looked at puppies, shared a smoothie and then went and saw Tangled (her first time seeing a movie in a theater).  She picked out her outfit, a sparkly tutu, a sparkly shirt and sparkly light up shoes.  She was so excited and acted so grown up and when she reached over and took my hand during the movie and whispered, “I love you mommy.  This is the best day ever.”,  I vowed once again to slow down and enjoy her more.

Date Bliss.

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