This weekend I got to hang out with a pretty cool and very fun five year old.
We had a lot of fun being silly together and caught some great smiles in the process. Hope you had fun in the snow after I left B!
This weekend I got to hang out with a pretty cool and very fun five year old.
We had a lot of fun being silly together and caught some great smiles in the process. Hope you had fun in the snow after I left B!
Yesterday, we woke up to a couple of unexpected (I didn’t know it was going to snow!) inches of snow. I hate snow but I have to admit, getting to capture a moment like this with these two beauties is almost enough to make me change my mind. Don’t they look like little snow pr incesses
in a winter wonderland?
A few from inside where it was toasty warm and dry….
I became friends with this little sweetie’s mom in 1995 when we went on a missions trip to Honduras together. After college we lived together. In fact, we were each other’s last roommate before getting married. This morning we got together with our babies and reminisced, drank coffee, nursed, changed diapers, took pictures and laughed about how much has changed in the last f
ourteen years. We agreed that we wouldn’t change a thing.
Meet Miss L. She’s four weeks old (and sleeps slightly less than my Josh).
Today was another glorious fall day. I met up with the the F boys for a quick session at Lynch Park. Our goal? The 2009 Christmas card picture! Jenn, I know you were nervous, but you are not going to believe how many cute shots I got of your boys. I can’t wait to show them all to you, but until then, here’ s a
sneak peek!
The past two days have been absolutely gorgeous here on the North Shore. Today, it reached a balmy 70 degrees and the forecast for the next few days looks great. However, in typical New England fashion, Saturday morning was chilly. Really chilly. When I met the W family at Long Hill in Beverly, it was only in the mid 40’s. We made the most of it though and were able to get some cute shots before bundling up and heading home.
K and A, I so enjoyed meeting your family. M and R couldn’t be sweeter.
SamanthaOh those curls!! He just melted my heart!! These are absolutely adorable!!