Category Archives: Ordinary Bliss

Sleepover BLISS

I love that her best friends belong to our buy Cialis Jelly online best friends.  When I walked in and saw them all chugging down their sippy cups, I couldn’t help but giggle and picture myself with their mom’s and a bottle (or five) of wine.

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Tomato BLISS

He loves them. buy Cialis Jelly online  Sort of.

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Keeping it real BLISS

Today I took a bunch of cute pictures of Josh hanging out in our living room.  I tried to be creative and shoot from angles that would hide the mess but quickly realized you can’t hide a mess like this unless you fill the entire frame with your kid’s head.  My living room is usually...

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Nothing is safe BLISS

Everyday, he finds something else to get into. buy Cialis Jelly online  I’ve given up trying to keep the rows he can reach straight and have decided that the bottom row is probably better off staying behind the couch rather than being rehung 27 times a day.

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7:18 BLISS

Everyone is sleeping. buy Cialis Jelly online  My mommy job is over (for at least a few hours), I’ve poured a glass of red wine and I’m getting ready to start working on last weeks newborn session.  7:18 BLISS.

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