Category Archives: Ordinary Bliss

Italian Ice BLISS

I don’t care if it’s blue and stains his clothes.  It keeps him content and in that chair for about an hour. I intend to start buying it by the case. He’ll only eat it with a grown up spoon.  🙂

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Who need toys BLISS

He’s completely obsessed. He can open the safety latch and untie the dish towel that I use to tie the doors shut. He takes everything out of this cabinet ten times a day and has broken almost all of my glass pie plates. I no longer try to stop him, I just sit on the...

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Getting to know grandpa BLISS

I grew up with two sets of grandparents and tons of cousins very close by.  I often feel sad that my kids don’t get to have that same experience.  My mom and dad are only two hours away in Connecticut, but we don’t see them as often as I’d like.  Josh hasn’t spent much time...

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Helping BLISS

Making dinner together.

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