Tag Archives: Beverly MA children’s photographer

Too cute for his own good BLISS

He’s into everything all day long and can single handedly tear our house apart in less than five minutes.  He does it with a smile though and I honestly couldn’t imagine our lives any other way. buy Cialis Jelly online

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Still snowing BLISS

We got at least another 10″ of snow today and there’s another foot on the way tomorrow.  School has already been cancelled for the 5th time in three weeks and quite frankly, I’m ready to move to a tropical island and live in a hut and eat coconuts for the rest of my life.  My...

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More snow BLISS

This is a stretch.  Bliss is absolutely the last thing I’m feeling about the amount of snow here. We got another foot last night and my kids had their fourth snow day in two weeks.  There’s no place to put the snow anymore and you can’t see around corners when you’re driving because the drifts...

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Sticker BLISS

What’s better than stickers?  Fairy stickers.  She’ll stick them to things for hours.  But she won’t look at me. buy Cialis Jelly online

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Tomato BLISS

He loves them. buy Cialis Jelly online  Sort of.

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