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Sometimes wonderful moments happen in beautiful light, but very often they don’t. Regardless of how great your camera’s high ISO capabilities are or how good you are at working in low light, there are times when there just isn’t enough light to get the shot you want. No home has perfect light in every room...
sarahHi Julie! The class will definitely be offered again but probably not until January of 2014. The Nikon SB700 is a good starter flash but if you can afford the SB910, I don’t you will regret going for it. I also think if you can find a used SB900 it’s a good option (I use one and like it a lot).ReplyCancel
CamilleI didn’t know anything about flash before I took this class. All I can say is that this a great class. I learned how to take photos without them looking flashy. I mainly use natural light but really there are times when there isnt enough light so I am equipped with my speedlight knowledge. Sarah is a great teacher and she explaing things very well!ReplyCancel
WhitneyWill you be able to provide a “proof of completion” certificate or email for a full participation student who completes this course? I was planning to take this from you on the other site before, and I still want to now, but in order to be reimbursed via our tuition assistance program, I will need proof of completion from the instructor. Please let me know as soon as possible, and, if affirmative, I will register.
sarahHi Emily, You really can’t go wrong with the Canon flashes. The 430EX II is a great entry level option and will do everything you need it to do. If you think you might want to learn of camera flash it might be worth going for the 600EX-RT Hope that helps! Please LMK if you have any other questions. 🙂ReplyCancel
Dana Schaeffer StavanaHi Sarah! I just signed up for silent participation but used my husband’s email address for the paypal. Do you need something else from me so I can get the materials? thanks!! DanaReplyCancel
KatieHi Sarah. I have a Canon 6D and am going to purchase the 430exii flash before this class. I would also like to go ahead and get a light modifier and am considering a gary fong modifier. Any recommendations? I’ll be using these mostly for indoor event coverage and perhaps a wedding or two. Thanks!ReplyCancel
Many people have asked when my On Camera Flash Workshop will be offered again. I don’t have an exact date but I promise you will see it again in the near future! If you can’t or don’t want to wait, I do offer on line mentoring. If you’re local to me, we can get together....
sarahHi Samantha, I am now teaching at The Photographer Within. We are currently in the middle of week two of my workshop. I expect that it will run again in March or April though. 🙂ReplyCancel
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